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Binary and source - zedfunge-0.7.3.tar.gz or I can pretty much guarantee you'll be able to get an interpreter for your system, whatever it may be, from


Funges are multidimensional programming languages. The original Befunge-93, a two-dimensional version, was constructed with the intention of being hard to compile. It turned out also to be a whole lot of fun...

Francis Irving wrote a Befunge-93 interpreter/editor for the Z-machine, in Inform - a language really designed for writing Interactive Fiction but which happens also to be highly portable. Befunge-93 is highly funky, but even (in my opinion) funkier new versions have been constructed since - the latest being Funge-98. The full version would be too much for my programming skills, and perhaps for the Z-machine, to handle, but one sleepless night I decided to add the coolest elements on to Francis Irving's ZBefunge.

I ended up implementing almost the entire Funge98 spec, with a few important omissions. The result is ZedFunge, which is a Concurrent (multi-threaded) Trefunge (3D Funge) for the Z-machine. It also handles file input and output, kill-put editing, and stuff.

Alternatively, you can play around with the Java ZPlet version, courtesy of Matt Russotto.

Furtherly alternatively, you can find Francis' original Zbefunge at his site. It's likely less buggy, and some may find the b93 spec on which it is based conceptually neater than the funge-98 one. For sure it's less confusing.

I intend to put up some funge programmes I write, partially to serve as examples and partially to show off.

The first installment in that series is something that compares two strings to see if they're identical or not. Which may not sound particularly impressive, but as with all things in languages esoteric, it's not as easy as you'd think. It uses some funky blocking techniques to make sure you don't have to be too careful about how you use it, and because they look pretty.

And here's another one - it reads a sentence from the keyboard, then tries to match the words against its wordlist. Again, doesn't sound impressive, but it works in what I consider to be a highly funky way. gy.